22.10.2010 г.


By: Guardian
Can the internet really bring about political change? Optimists point to the green movement in Iran, when the reformist campaign showed the power of new technologies to organise resistance and to break the stranglehold of censors on information; but the episode also showed that technology alone is not enough to secure democratic change.
As the Iranian regime cracked down on protesters and on international media, the story of the green movement was often brought to the world by those on the streets. Without mobile phone video, Neda Agha-Soltan might have become yet another protester denied a proper burial rather than the face of the struggle. The Iranian regime could send international journalists packing, but they couldn't stop the flow of information via Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and email. It is not surprising that technology played such a role in Iran. Over the past decade, internet use there grew faster than any other country in the Middle East, and more than a third of all Iranians are online. Iran is a country of bloggers, with many journalists turning to blogs after their newspapers were shut down.
However, only cyber-utopians believe democratic change is just a mouse click away and toppling dictators is simply a matter of "just adding the internet". Despite Iranians' net sophistication, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad remains in power. The enemies of democracy are also learning to counter cyber-activism with cyber-repression. But when real change is afoot, technology can force the pace – whether under a repressive regime or an established democracy. As Britain looks forward to an election with the scandal of MPs' expenses still fresh in the minds of voters, parties must use the internet to re-engage disenchanted voters not to resist real change.
Following Barack Obama's successful use of social networking, British parties have redoubled their rush on to YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. A few engaged MPs use such sites not only to broadcast their views but also to listen to their constituents. However, too much political effort online simply mimics traditional marketing-driven campaigning – treating voters as little more than shoppers, and policies as slickly packaged products. The overlooked lesson of Obama's campaign is that it treated voters as citizens with active roles in a democratic society rather than passive consumers swayed by party marketing.
As the campaigns ramp up, parties poking voters on Facebook or tweeting their latest policy proposals that amount to nothing more than business as usual is likely to end in farce. Facebook voters will simply rage against the political machine.

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