In Rome, at “Campo de' Fiori", there is a small bronze statue of a man in monk’s clothing. The inscription is laconic: “9th of June 1889. To Bruno – from the century he has predicted, here, where the flame blazed”.

Media world, especially in the age of the New Media are often as Bruno – threaten by bonfire because they develop independently and might become  or are too dangerous for the politics and the society. Not much changed in this direction since the witch hunt ages ago!

By “new media”, we understand blogs, social networks as Facebook, Twitter, video and image sharing websites, information flows as Wikileaks – everything that not only happens on the internet, but mainly is a creation of the persona (either acting as journalists or as independent authors/bloggers/users).

This blog aims to gather information on how new media develop, create and influence the news /journalism with international meaning. Naturally it focuses both on theory and practice and is established in order to help writing my PhD thesis on the above mentioned topic. All texts published here are with quoted authors and sources.